Our pawrents met during the spring semester of 2022 at the University of Miami. Dad was working on his PhD in chemistry, and Mom was a supervisor for the undergraduate chemistry labs. Their story began when Mom was asked to take Dad to the building’s basement to retrieve a chemical he needed for the lab he was teaching. During the trip, Dad made some rather concerning comments about stashing his roommate down there if he drove him crazy enough, which left Mom praying she’d make it back upstairs alive (insert laugh emoji).
Fast forward to a little less than a year later, and Dad was assigned to teach one of the labs Mom was responsible for setting up, maintaining, and ensuring that she and her assistants wouldn’t be left with a mess afterward. Mom quickly noticed that Dad was one of the few TAs who picked up after himself, ran his lab smoothly, and finished early most of the time (hooray for Mom and her assistants!).
Mom, admittedly, started developing a crush on Dad. There was something about him that made her start nagging him to go to the youth fair. Obviously, she wanted him to ask her to go with him, and after a few weeks of nagging, he did! They were supposed to go with some of Dad’s friends, but they never showed up. They had a great time, just the two of them, riding rides they quickly realized they were too old for, needing to sit down after each one, and then went to dinner.
After a few weeks, Dad asked Mom to be his girlfriend on the sand at Miami Beach under a beautiful night sky full of stars, and we met (although it took some time for us to get along), and our lives soon became one life together. It didn’t take long for them to fall in love, and before they knew it, they moved in together and became a little family of four.
They are so beyond excited to start this next chapter as husband and wife, and we can’t wait to share their love with all of you!
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